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Tue, Jun 13


Virtual Workshop

The SRV-Related Construct of Model Coherency

Time & Location

Jun 13, 2023, 10:00 a.m. EDT – Jun 15, 2023, 3:30 p.m. EDT

Virtual Workshop

About the Event

The Southern Ontario Training Group, NABORS, and Extend-a-FamilyToronto are pleased to present

The Social Role Valorization-Related Construct of Model Coherency as formulated by Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger

June 13 & 15, 2023 (on Zoom)

Event Flyer

The presentation of this recently developed course is an important opportunity for those who have Social Role Valorization/PASSING experience and who are currently in, or aspire to be in, leadership roles in teaching and/or implementing SRV. This course, comprising four 2-hour sessions, familiarizes participants with the basics of Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger’s most advanced formulation of his constructof Model Coherency, and is based almost entirely on his recently published (3-volume) book, Model Coherency The Key to Human Service Quality.

We believe that knowledge of the Model Coherency formulation substantially enriches one’s ability to understand, teach, and implement SRV theory by enabling one to discern the degree to which basic structural elements of a service contribute to a role-valorizing whole.

Format: This training course will be presented via Zoom in four sessions, two sessions per day on each of two days. Each session will consist primarily of lecture presentations with opportunities for questions and discussion at the end of each topic.

Dates & Times:

Session One:  Tuesday, June 13, 2023 —10:00 a.m. to noon

Session Two: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 —1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m

Session Three: Thursday, June 15, 2023 —10:00 a.m. to noon

Session Four: Thursday, June 15, 2023 —1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m

Course Content: The course will cover the following:

Session One: “Wolfensberger’s Development of his Construct of Model Coherency”provides an overview of the origins & evolution of Model Coherency, the nature & types of human service models and their universal components, the various “Tool Subjects” of Model Coherency, and other related Model Coherency concepts.

Session Two: “The Model Coherency Components of Assumptions & Needs” clarifies the nature of assumptions and their crucial role in Model Coherency formulations, and the nature and crucial role of “needs” in Model Coherency formulations.

Session Three: “The Model Coherency Components of Content & Process” explains what is meant by program content and what is meant by program processes in Model Coherency considerations, and the importance of distinguishing between the two. The potential role of PASSING ratings in a Model Coherency based assessment of a service will be described.

Session Four: “The Use of Model Coherency for Service Design” covers the distinction between using Model Coherency for service assessment and using Model Coherency for service design, important considerations in preparing for a Model Coherency Design effort, and important considerations in conducting a Model Coherency Design effort.

Presenters: The course will be presented by Tom Doody and Joe Osburn, along with several other SRV/PASSING leaders, all who have had at least one experience in applying Wolfensberger’s more recent conceptualization or Model Coherency. Tom and Joe are both long term associates of Dr. Wolfensberger, are members of the North American SRV Training, Development, and Safeguarding Council, and have extensive experience in service evaluation and planning. Both have decades of experience with the development of the Model Coherency construct and its application.


Attendance at this course prepares (along with prior experience in SRV/PASSING) one to be a member of a Model Coherency Practicum team in which a small group of people uses Model Coherency to assess an existing human service or to design a potential human service. Since each practicum experience can only include a small number of people, we cannot ensure that everyone who attends this course will have the opportunity to attend a practicum event in the near future. Nevertheless, this course has value on its own and those who attended the first such event reported that it deepened their understanding of SRV and provided a useful framework for PASSING leaders.

Course Fee: $180. We do not want anyone to miss this course due to cost and can provide some subsidies if needed. Please contact us (emails below) to request a subsidy.

Course Registration: Participation in this event is limited. To confirm your  participation, please press the registration link below and complete the registration form that is attached. Upon receipt of your form and fee, you will be sent an email confirming your registration. Shortly before the first session, you will receive the zoom link and and material required for each session.

For further information and/or to request a subsidy please contact:

Peg Jenner at or Erica Baker-Tinsley at 

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